I'd love to hear more about your past struggles and adventures, if there's any more to expound upon.❤️ Get Well Soon!! We miss ya!

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Hi, I heard about you thru my good friend Kaz, my awesome trainer she also helps me with my blog. Anyway Merry Christmas and good luck with your voice recovery and your music!

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I appreci-love you, too. Glad you’re on your way….

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"Who knows where the road goes..."

Good luck in your recovery, Rhett!

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Thanks for sharing an update! Enjoy your rest and recovery. Take it easy and enjoy your downtime. You deserve it!

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Glad to hear you are recuperating! Looking, very much, forward to your upcoming tour through CA! Not talking also does not come easily to me, but I am, right now, sitting in a hotel room by myself. No one to speak to. Wide awake in the middle of the night…or morning? Whatever. I hope your improved vocal cords can perform all the songs you’ve been avoiding! Very merry Christmas and wonderful 2025!😘

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Hope you are all well soon! I would like to hear stories about funny touring mishaps - Spinal Tap style.

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Best wishes! I look forward to seeing you play live again in 25!

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Get well soon, Rhett!

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Glad you're ok!! This makes me kind-of want a Leonard Cohen essay. I'd love to read some thoughts on his songwriting.

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Is Ziggy an Aussieddoodle?

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take care and enjoy family and fun during the holidays! here's a topic to consider: speaking of Ziggy, sometimes we are more honest to our pets than we are to the outside world. There is a freedom and openness I have when talking to my dogs because I know they never judge us and always accept us as we are. What have we told them that we haven't shared with others?

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So glad all is going well! 🙏🎄

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Glad to hear you are on the mend.

I would love to hear more about music and art in hard political times.

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Have a family member tell Ziggy he has to pull his weight here and stop being so handsome and adorable! He is the dapperest of holiday poochies. Get well soon and happy holidays!

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Wishing you a speedy recovery. Look forward to hearing those golden pipes in 2025!

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